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Contract Fees

Managing contract fees effectively is essential for maintaining clear financial records and ensuring accurate billing within client contracts. The Contract Fees feature in the Clients Management module allows you to categorize and organize the various fees associated with your contracts. By creating predefined fee categories, you can streamline the process of assigning fees to contracts, making it easier to manage client billing and financial reporting.

This feature is particularly useful for businesses that handle multiple contracts with varying fee structures. By standardizing fee categories, you can ensure consistency across contracts and simplify the tracking of financial transactions.

To manage contract fees, navigate to the Contract Fees section under the Clients Management menu. This section displays a list of all existing contract fee categories, allowing you to view, edit, or add new categories as needed.

Creating a New Contract Fee Category

To add a new contract fee category, follow these steps:

  • Click on the plus (+) icon at the top of the Contract Fees list.
  • Fill in the required fields for the new contract fee category:
    • Category Name: Enter a descriptive name for the fee category.

After entering the category name, click "Create" to save the new contract fee category. This category will now be available to assign to client contracts, helping you to organize and manage contract-related fees more efficiently.