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Invoice Tracker Report

The Invoice Tracker Report is an essential tool for managing and analyzing all issued invoices within the ERP system. This report provides a detailed listing of every invoice, including crucial details such as invoice number, date, client, total amount, VAT, and payment status. By categorizing invoices into Paid, Unpaid, or Partially Paid, the report allows for efficient tracking and management of accounts receivable.

Check the Accounting Reports in this Video

To access the Invoice Tracker Report, navigate to the Accounting module. Select "Invoice Tracker" from the Reports section. This will display the report interface, where you can review all invoices and their respective details.

Report Details

The report lists all invoices with the following details:

  • Invoice Number: A unique identifier for each invoice.
  • Date: The date when the invoice was issued.
  • Client: The client to whom the invoice was issued.
  • Total Amount: The total amount billed, including VAT.
  • VAT Amount: The amount of VAT included in the invoice.
  • Payment Status: The current payment status of the invoice (Paid, Unpaid, Partially Paid).

This detailed breakdown allows users to keep track of all invoicing activities, ensuring that no payment is missed and that follow-ups can be made where necessary.


The Invoice Tracker Report includes pie charts that offer a visual representation of your invoice data. Two key charts are available:

  • Status Ratio Chart: This pie chart displays the ratio of the sum amount for each payment status (Paid, Unpaid, Partially Paid). It provides a quick overview of how much money is outstanding versus what has already been received.
  • Total vs. VAT Amount Chart: This chart compares the total invoiced amount with the total VAT amount, helping you visualize the portion of your revenue attributed to VAT.

Exporting the Report

The report can be exported in various formats, including PDF, Excel, and CSV, allowing you to share it with stakeholders or perform further analysis. The pie charts can also be included in the export for a complete overview.