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Workforce Insight Report

The "Workforce Insight Report" provides a comprehensive visual and tabular breakdown of the organization's workforce distribution across various dimensions. The report is designed to help HR professionals and management quickly grasp key demographic and role-related insights, facilitating informed decision-making.

Workforce Insight Report

Report Components:

1. Employees Department Pie Chart

  • Purpose: Visual representation of the distribution of employees across different departments.
  • Details:
    • Each department is represented by a distinct color.
    • The number of employees in each department is displayed both numerically and proportionally.
    • The legend on the right lists the department names with corresponding colors.

2. Employees Gender Pie Chart

  • Purpose: Breakdown of employees by gender.
  • Details:
    • The chart segments employees into categories such as Male and Female.
    • The chart helps identify gender diversity across the organization.
    • The legend clearly marks each gender category with distinct colors.

3. Employees Age Range Pie Chart

  • Purpose: Distribution of employees across different age groups.
  • Details:
    • Age ranges are represented by different color segments in the pie chart.
    • The chart illustrates the proportion of employees within specific age brackets, helping identify the age demographic of the workforce.
    • The legend matches age ranges with colors, making it easy to interpret the data.

4. Tabular Data Breakdown

  • Purpose: Detailed tabular representation of workforce data, providing a deeper dive into specific metrics.
  • Columns:
    • Department: Lists the name of each department within the organization.
    • Employees: The total number of employees in each department.
    • Gender: Breaks down the gender distribution within each department, showing the count of male, female, and other (M) employees.
    • Age Range: Number of employees within different age ranges for each department.
    • Job Titles: The count of employees holding specific job titles within the department.
    • Type: The employment type distribution (e.g., Contract, Intern) for each job title within the department.

Export Functionality:

  • Export PDF Button:
    • Purpose: Allows users to export the entire Workforce Insight Report as a PDF document.
    • Usage: Provides a quick way to generate a shareable, printable version of the report for offline review or distribution.
Workforce Insight Report

Use Case:

This report is ideal for HR and management to monitor workforce diversity, gender distribution, age distribution, and the structure of job titles within departments. The visual aids and detailed breakdowns provide valuable insights for strategic planning, diversity initiatives, and workforce management.