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Attendance Rates

HR users can define and manage attendance absence and overtime rates by accessing the Attendance Rates List under the HR menu. These rules are crucial for calculating salary adjustments based on employee attendance and overtime.

Attendance Rates Rules List

Creating a New Attendance Rate Rule

To add a new attendance rate rule, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Attendance Rates List under the HR menu.
  2. Click on the + icon at the top of the Pages. This will open a new form to create the attendance rule.
  3. Fill in the required fields for the rule:
    • Type: Choose between Absent or Overtime.
    • Rule Level: Select the level for the rule (General rule, specific Department rule, or specific User rule).
    • Hourly Rate: Set the rate for absence or overtime per hour.
    • Time Frame: Define the applicable time frame by specifying the From and To times and units.
  4. Click Create to save the rule.
Create Attendance Rate Rule

Understanding Attendance Rate Rules

The rules defined in the screenshoot above can be interpreted as follows:

  • From 1 Second to 20 Minutes of Absence: 0 Rate (This means no deduction for this time frame).
  • From 20 Minutes to 1 Hour of Absence: 1 Rate (This means a deduction of 1 hour's salary for this time frame).
  • From 1 Hour to 8 Hours of Absence: 2 Rate (This means a deduction of 2 hours' salary for each absent hour in this time frame).
  • From 1 Second to 8 Hours of Overtime: 1 Rate (This means an overtime bonus of 1 hour's salary for each overtime hour in this time frame).

The system will validate the added rules to prevent overlaps in time frames, ensuring accurate calculations.

Managing Attendance Rate Rules

From the Attendance Rates List, HR users can:

  • Edit defined rules by clicking on the edit icon.
  • Delete a rule by clicking on the delete icon and confirming the action.

Application of Attendance Rate Rules

The defined attendance rate rules will be used to calculate salary adjustments for absence and overtime. These adjustments will be added to or deducted from the employee's monthly salary accordingly.